New Years Day is Over!!!
Well I know that I havn't kept up with this site. But from now on I am going to try to. So NYD 2008 is over and everything is said and done. Uptown String Band preformed their routine "Infestation 08" and finished with 8th place. Not exacly what we were shooting for but it all comes down to what the judges like. Now we are waiting to go to the show of shows in Alantic city Feb 23, 2008 . Until then it is back to school and Tuesday night practices. There are many young mums who carry on a full school load, 40 hours of work a week and still are able to find time to participate in Mummery. I being one of those young mummers. I am trying to finish my pre-rec so that I can apply to nursing school. So until I am a nurse is will be tough to carry on. But my will is strong and I have alot of support from family and friends. They say that the greates revenge is to acomplish what others say you cannot do. Kudos to all the young Mums out there who have a lot on their plate and still find the time to participate in this great Philadelphia tradition of mummery.